Tuesday, July 11

Learn something new everyday

Today's life lesson: Don't eat chips and salsa while watching a gory movie*

*The story: It's a rainy afternoon here in the HP, I have the day off, and there are 3 netflix movies sitting on my bedroom floor. I head to the kitchen, collecting a soda, a bowl of chips and a jar of salsa. I set up the first movie, Doom**, because it's one I have to watch while it's light out. I settle into the recliner, hit play and then someone loses an arm. I look away from the screen, I look at my snack. Now I want to puke.

**The backstory: No it's not a typo I watched the movie Doom. See but I also played the game Doom. Back in the day when we'd ride our bikes to the internet cafe place and pay 5 an hour to play games against each other over the internet. We played Doom and Quake and all sorts of fun stuff. And then we'd go next door to Bucky's ice cream shop and I'd win free ice cream by beating the owner in cribbage or chess. And then we'd grab one of those nerf soccer balls and move all the tables off to one side and play indoor 2 on 2. Wow, that was a great summer.