Monday, December 6

Be completely nonproductive all day

It's not like I have a presentation on Thursday for a class I hate and am only doing so-so in. Hooray for sleeping in. And spending the next 2 hours in bed anway, in that wonderful half awake half asleep state where you can't keep track of time and all you know is the last thing in the world you want to do is get out of bed. Not quite perfect but pretty wonderful none the less. It was made even better by watching guilty pleasure tv shows that I taped forever ago and never got around to watching. No I'm not telling you what. A person can only handle so much mocking of the things they love most in one day, and there's no need to start this early.

Most of my favorite books, movies, tv shows fall into the "guilty pleasure" category. These are the stories I can watch thousands of times and never enjoy any less. These are the stories that have helped shape who I am. So why don't I tell people about them? Well that's not true. Some people know all about them. But these are the few people who are as equally weird as I am. The people who understand that sometimes you just get weirdly obsessed for a while because it happens to them too. The people who, 7 years later, I have learned to fully trust and know that even if 6 months go by and we don't talk, that next conversation will be as comfortable as the last. The people who might as well be family at this point.

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