Wednesday, December 8

Move back into the dorms

So I watched a movie in Stanley on monday night and it was kinda weird. (being in the dorms, not the movie. The movie was great. Elf) It was just so awesome and unlike anything I'll ever do again. It was crowded isolation. You could be completely alone just by shutting your door, but you never had to be lonely because there was always someone right down the hall ready and willing to do something with you. Having dinner everynight with the same people, catching up on what was going on. Tuesday night tv. Being adopted by another floor's RA who knows you only as "trouble." Playing Halo at 2 in the morning. Stacks-etball. Dirty playing card Mafia. Team Vodka dominating at Taboo. Having the only person not drinking sent to wednesday night alcohol meetings because the rest of you had wandered off right before public safety showed up. And that was just sophmore year. I remember marveling at how cool it was to be able to walk down the hall when I got sick of doing homework and find someone to watch a movie with. Maybe it's because I never had siblings, so I never experienced having others there all the time. Did you know that about me? I'm an only child. Sometimes people can tell. The greatest thing I've ever been told was "Really? I never would have guessed you were an only child." It sucks having to be aware of not playing into the stereotype. Which I know I used to do, and I'm sure it still comes up every once in a while. I try not to be that person. I wonder what it would have been like to have siblings growing up. A sister. A brother. I always wanted an older brother. And now I have two :D but growing up... that person you can always talk to even though you're completely different people, but you have those shared traumas of family Christmases gone wrong and road trips from hell. That's probably why my friends become so much like family. Why I love going back to playground year after year. Seeing the same kids. Playing kickball all morning. Damn that was an awesome job. Why did I quit? Stupid real world, need to a get a real job, learn real life skills. I have skills already. Skillz with a Z. I can... yea I can't really think of anything good to put right there but there are things! Cool things! Awesome things! Like tackling and thievery. And an ability to spill something and make a mess any where I go. And to tell stupid stories that don't really have a point, like last week when Melissa turned down front row, directly behind the bench Hawks tickets. AAAAH that would have been so sweet! A game we were guaranteed to win! [sigh]

What was I talking about again?

Oh yea, the dorms. Have you ever wondered how different your life would be now if you lived in a different dorm freshman year? I have. All my friends that year were either from my floor, Verve or classes. Weird. I loved the dorms. It was just so convenient.

1 comment:

Angie said...

i <3 the dorms as well. we would have been bff for sure if you lived in burge instead of dorkland. except then i probably wouldn't be your growth group leader and giving you the fine upstanding biblical education you are now receiving...due to the alcohol and such. lucky you!