Tuesday, January 25

Change classes two weeks into semester

WOOHOO! So I got waitlisted last november for a class I wanted to take and they called yesterday saying there was an opening. Now the class itself isn't all that exciting, but it's far better then the class I had chosen to replace it. Just a few reasons:

1) New class is web based... so now I just have class MWF 8:30-11:30
2) I sit at a computer 15+ hours a week and get paid. So I'd like to think that at some point in there I could get some web based learning done.
3) No more Professor Han. The crazy man who drones on for 40 minutes about obscure theory and proofs and then only has 10 minutes to do an example problem, leaving the entire class confused and angry.
4) New class is Epidiemiology. It really is time I decide whether or not I want to go to Public Health Graduate School. After Biostatistics I felt fairly blah about it, so maybe I'll like Epidiemiology. If I don't, that's one more option crossed off the list.

Hopefully it all goes well.

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