Thursday, December 15


I was right. I never actually was able to talk to my boss about that project. But on the up side we got Jimmy Johns for dinner. I'm so easy to placate. Blow off my important questions but feed me good subs and I'm content. Hopefully tonight I can pin him down and make my point clear.

Cheese is all pretty and re-merchandized. Basically we had to take everything apart, clean, re-organize, put it back together. It took longer than we expecter but we also spent a good hour or so slacking and goofing around. ah well.

1 comment:

Angie said...

i was really afraid that "re-merchandizing" meant peeling off the labels that mark when it was packaged and re-labeling it with a later date. that sometimes happend at hy-vee. my faith in trader joes remains.