Monday, February 13

Buy stuff I don't need

I spent money again today. A couple weeks ago it was shoes. This time it was DVD's. Here's the thing: I spent less than I made in overtime last week. So really I ought to work less, but because that won't happen any time soon I may as well have fun with the money I'm making off it.

The rest of this post will make me seem like a HUGE geek. I'm going to try and get all my "squeeeing" out in one post. If you don't know me in that capacity maybe you ought to skip this...

I am now the proud owner of Seasons 1, 2 and 3 of Farscape. Well Volume 1 of Season 3, the other two aren't out yet, but I bought them and some random day in April they're just going to show up and I'm going to be super excited. Because by then I'll have forgotten all about it. And a while back I bought all the episodes of Firefly. So really I'll be all caught up soon. I'm only missing season 3 of La Femme Nikita. And I don't own any Battlestar, except the 3 episodes on my iPod, and I'm not sure I want to buy that show yet. I know eventually I will. Just not yet. Yea SCI-FI Channel. I wonder if I can buy just the Stargate episodes with Aeryn in them...

OOOH and I recently got season 3 of Home Movies. I forgot I never finished watching all of those. And I finally watched The 4400 and got hooked. But of course season 2 isn't out on DVD yet.

Speaking of the Sci-fi channel, I saw that they're going to start running Passions from the beginning. Yes that's right. The NBC Soap Passions. It totally fits, but is still pretty funny.

Back to Battlestar... I just don't know how I feel about this show anymore. I mean I love it and would be crushed if it was cancelled, but from an individual episode point of view it's losing my interest. It feels like part 2 in a trilogy. Certain groundwork has to be laid for the future story lines and Characters have to grow and change.... on the upside I think the whole fandom is feeling much the same way, so I know it's not me, it's the show. And yes that's right I just used the word fandom. I did warn you earlier but you just didn't listen did you?

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