Tuesday, April 4

So this is my dog. And she's getting old and falls down a lot. Well actually she has always fallen down a lot, but lately has had trouble standing back up. It's sad and a little bit scary. You hear this big thump (not new) and then the little whimpers. Stupid hard wood floors that I fall on too...

1 comment:

Angie said...

i'm kind of overwhelmed by the blogginess! and the double Shadoe posts. Speaking of Shadoe, here's a conversation I had recently.

Luke: So, I'm terrified of German Shepherds.
Me: Why?
Luke: Because of Kujo, he was a German Shepherd.
Me: Alex has a German Shepherd who is nice. And lots of seeing eye dogs are German Shepherds and they have to be nice too.
Luke: Whatever, tell Alex she has a scary dog.

~weeks later~

Luke: See, there's a German Shepherd, they just look scary, and they're so huge.
Me: ...Luke, that's a St. Bernard.
Luke: Oh, so Alex doesn't have a scary dog...
Me: No.