Friday, December 1

Holy December, Batman!

I guess I've been away a long time. So let's see... in the past three weeks I've....

1) Been put on and taken off the disabled list at work. I pulled a back muscle. Did I mention that before?
2) Gotten really frustrated with my job and coworkers.
3) Started liking my job again.
4) Bought plane tickets to St Louis for next week. Yay TJU. That's right. Trader Joe's University... where I learn to be better at my job, I guess.
5) Bought plane tickets to Seattle for the ski trip! I don't think I can explain how excited I am for this trip. It really can't come soon enough.
6) Started researching snowboards, seeing as I need to buy one before January.
7) Sent Angie and Amy some kick ass surprise presents. (Kinsey, yours in still in the works, so have no fear, well maybe you should have fear....)

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