Wednesday, March 21


Goodness. Has it really been a month? I'm sorry. Someday I'll get back to finishing the trip pictures, but for now... eh. Maybe if I get bored tomorrow. Anyway....

Work continues to be stressful, but I'm doing a better job having a life outside of work. A couple weeks back I went to America's number one soccer bar in Wrigleyville on my day off. Yummy Irish food and Good beer and even better soccer. Not a bad day off :D

On St Patrick's Day I met up with my friend David in Evanston and we had a few pints of Guiness to celebrate the holiday. It was nice to do something besides work or sit at home, even if we did talk mostly about Trader Joe's and people we knew in common. The bar we went to was close to the Northwestern campus so we definitely spent part of the night mocking the rowdy college kids. It felt like being back in IC.

Sunday night another one of our friends Dj'd a bar in Wicker Park. It was one of those tiny hole in the wall clubs that is too cool to even have a sign out front. I think the only people in the place were TJ's empolyees from various stores, but it was still good fun. I made some new friends and now the count is up to 4!!!! That's right, I have 6 friends in Chicago now. Take that Iowa City! ( Just kidding. I'd still much rather be back there) One of the girls there spent a solid 15 minutes playing TJ customer charades were she acted out stereotypical customers while we tried to guess. I was laughing so hard I was in tears. We were practically rolling on the floor laughing. We also all made plans to go to Trader Joe's prom on the same night. Hooray knowing people at the party this year!

Yes that means I have to buy a dress for the party again. No clue what I want to wear, but at least this year I'm starting shopping earlier and I have a better idea of what other people wear. It looks like I won't be going the same night as my boss, which is probably for the best because he tells me he's "quite the partier" and he plans on "going wild." Like I said, I think I can miss that.


Unknown said...

I love that TJ's has a prom. Every workplace should have a prom. Maybe I'll ask about it in job interviews...if...I get any. Anyway, wear something metallic pink. Just because.

Angie said...

omg i found 9fm on itunes and i'm listening to the traffic report and to stay away from skokie or something. it's amazing, it's just like home and now they're playing mr. big. love love love it.

Anonymous said...

I got your package today and I am very excited about it! Thanks - yay for random packages! You haven't called me to talk about Grey's yet.........


William Flinn said...

Wait....TJ's has a prom? Can we arrange for more businesses to do this?

Roster said...

Oh yes. Trader Joe has a full on prom. including cocktail reception, dinner, and dancing.