Wednesday, October 17

Buy a condo!

Woo! I am now officialy a homeowner. Well I guess technically something could still go horribly wrong between now and the closing date (Oct 30) but who wants to think about pessimistic things like that.

So last week I went down to North Carolina to do the whole house hunting thing. As it turns out, I'm either really great at it or really horrible, because I bought the first one we visited. Not then and there or anything quite so sudden. I knew at the end of the first day that I really liked that one the best and lost interest in continuing to drive around and look at more places.

One of the places I saw the next day did come in a close second, but it had a few more "cons" than this other one. The last place we looked at... I didn't like from the moment we walked in the front door. This was THE most cracked out floorplan I have ever seen in my life. I wish I had taken pictures, but please bear with my so-so description skills...

You walk through the front door and almost smack your head on a light fixture because rather than having a foyer or entry way you're immediately in the "dining room." A dining room so small that once you fillled it with a table and chairs you'd have trouble opening the front door. No lie. Directly to the right is the kitchen. (About the size of the Mazuniks kitchen for those of you who have seen it and would like a reference point) Not super big, but big enough for all the important things. At first I thought the kitchen had two pantrys and a closet... nope the other doors are to the stairs. What? I have to go through my kitchen to go up or down stairs? I think I'm done looking at this one thanks. It was seriously ridiculous. No wonder it was so much less expensive than other places with the same sq footage.

Ok, back to my house now....

This is what it looks like from the driveway

My front door!

Kitchen to the left

But it's very open with the rest of the living room

I have my own little porch and a fireplace and a computer nook and tv alcove that I actually don't think I'm going to put my tv in...

The master bedroom has a skylight type window and connected master bath. There is also a HUGE walk in closet.

Immediately to the right when you come in is the second bedroom. This also has it's own full bathroom and walk in closet.

Not the best picture of it, I know.

So that's my new house! I officially move down there on November 11th. Of course the moving company tells me my stuff won't be arriving until the 12th to the 18th. Yes that's right. There is a six day window in which my stuff whill eventually show up. This is of course complicated by the fact that I start work on the 13th. Great.

At first I planned to fly down and let them move my car, but once I realized I'd be without my stuff for so long I decided it was probably going to be easier for me to drive. Plus it's only 13 hours! Woo! So if anyone out there is interested in joining me on a 13 hour roadtrip across 5 states let me know. :D Ooh you will need to bring your own sleeping bag, though... (see above about not having any of my stuff)

*Update: Yes it is Park Creek Drive


Angie said...

are you so excited to have a huge closet? maybe that should be where i sleep when i visit you

Kinsey Mazunik said...

Yay! I love it! And I see lots of walls that have great accent-wall potential. When should I come?

Roster said...

Umm if you really want to sleep in the closet I won't stop you. It might be a little weird though. A little too R. Kelly-ish? I mean what if you got trapped? Would you have to sing about it?

And Kinsey, I move in the 12th so you should definitely come that next monday and start helping me paint :D

Angie said...

google maps says it's creek park drive