Sunday, November 28

Hang out with people from high school

So it was colin who told me that my stories ought to be posted and he said my stories were starting to sound more and more like Brandon L stories.... and then I ended up seeing and hanging out with Brandon tonight.... how crazy. We even made fun of the way he tells stories :D

I drove all the way up to Milwaukee tonight to go to Brent's party at 9. Matt and Tony and Drew were supposed to be there at 9:30 but of course they don't show until 11 something. When I walk in I say hi to Tate and his new girlfriend Lindsey (sp?) and Brandon and then who's in the kitchen? but of course Abby. It was great to see her and I really wish we had the chance to actually say more than a quick "Hi!" There were so many people there that I just hadn't seen in a while it was pretty awesome.... all WFBHS kids of course. Who knew you could major in nuclear engineering at madison???!!! Good times good times. And seeing Jim and bashing ISU with Amy... pleasant surprises. Aaah who needs 5 year high school reunions when you can get together with everyone you'd actually care to see over Thanksgiving!

well I'm still feeling a bit drunk so I should hit the sack.

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