Wednesday, December 15

Sell back books and take a nap

I always forget about selling back my books at the end of semester. I start to worry about spending too much money on christmas presents and then the fact that I won't be working for a couple weeks over break and then wham! oh yea. text book money. sometimes, not so much. other times, lots. hopefully this will be a lots year. I sold one back this morning. $57.50 Pretty good. Now if only the others can be worth that much.

Also I haven't really been sleeping well. And don't know why. Of course that's obvious becuase if I knew why I'd fix it and sleep well. But last night I was up until 2:30. just laying there. so i moved to the living room. slept maybe an hour or two on the sofa. layed awake for a while longer. went back to my room around 6 am. slept til my alarm went off at 8:15. It's like i can sleep once it gets light out, but if it's dark I can't seem to sleep soundly. Weird. And no i'm not afraid of the dark. I'm afraid of the smoke detector. But that's another story. Maybe that's still my problem. No. It better not be. That was last January. And I slept fine this summer. The other night it was super hot in our apartment and I couldn't open my window because the condensation had frozen over and so I didn't get to snuggle up in my big down comfortor. That was sad. You know you've always wanted to know all about my sleep problems. Deal.

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