Thursday, March 17


So I've been having some weird dreams the last couple nights..... tuesday night was about scuba diving in a pool and searching for something on the floor, but it wasn't a normal pool floor... and my Bio I TA was there, and she was pretty crazy so I guess it just kinda fit in with whatever was going on. Last night I dreamed I was in England riding a train past Old Trafford (where Man Utd play) and saw that a game was starting and climbed out the train window, jumped down, hopped a fence and took a seat. Random. Then I get to work today and read Aaron's livejournal which always has weekly horoscope things and when I'm sitting here bored at work I'll check mine.....

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
So begins the Potent Dreaming phase of the year for you, Taurus. In the coming weeks, the adventures you have while you sleep will be far more interesting than any movie you could see in a theater. Some of your dreams may be the nighttime equivalent of wild goose chases and shaggy dog stories, with no discernible plots or meaning. But the revelations you receive in others could change your life forever with useful lessons and brilliant insights. To help you remember these spiritual gifts from your subconscious mind, please keep a pen and notebook near your bed.

What? What does this mean? More crazy dreams to come? I don't know if I like that. I normally don't dream at all... or at least don't remember them.

1 comment:

Angie said...

fyi- i fully intended on ( you attend on? is that proper grammar?) bringing you a notebook + pen + shamrock shake today but then i didn't want to be creepy and obsessed with you (which i'm not but i do think you're great)(okay i am) and also you left for home.

since it's the thought that counts, i figured i should let you know.