Thursday, July 31

Train in the art of thievery

For those of you who have never met him, this is Karrrl:

Well technically, I think he's Karrrl II. I'm ashamed to say I can't remember which one I have. Maybe Angie remembers?

Either way, Karrrl here, is most famous for his involvement in the great prank war of 2004/2005. This is the same prank war in which I was deemed to possess the spiritual gift of thievery. As I was talking to Angie online this afternoon, I told her about how the "gift of thievery" had come up at work and how I'd mostly just gotten looks like I was crazy. Well, then she mentions that when ever she thinks about me and my spiritual gift she pictures me "wearing a black bandana, like the Hamburgler." (thanks, talk about a reputation for being cool)

After she said this I just couldn't help myself:

So just in case you were wondering what Karrrl had been up to for the last few years... he's been secretly training in the art of Thievery. Soon he'll be ready to be unleashed on the world. Or at the very least he'll be ready to take on North Carolina!

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