Thursday, August 28


What is it about food?

As someone who works in a grocery store and therefore thinks about food in some manner for the better part of her week I've come to an odd realization.

Food > Money

a) We bet "lunches" at work far more regularly than cash
b) My friend Chris recently needed help working on his car and how did he pay Mike for his time? Dinner at Sonic. (This is reasonably fancy for Mike. He no longer needs to order at the Bojangles drive-thru, they recognize his truck as soon as it pulls into the lot)
c) If I put up a billboard saying "Free $5 bills to everyone who stops by the store" I bet I'd get far fewer visitors than if I put up a sign saying "Free Sandwiches", which realistically would cost me less than $5 a piece.

I don't really know why this is, or even what it means. I just know that I don't blog often enough and thought I should share my random realization. Let's be honest, you all miss my randomness :D

1 comment:

Jenna said...

I agree with your theory.

But....more money equals the ability to dine at finer restaurants. And the chance to maybe wear something other than jeans and a t-shirt.

I think I'd take money and make a night out of it.