Saturday, May 16


For those of you not living here in NAS-Carolina, today is the first of Charlotte's big races. The All-star race. Of course I have to support my guy...

What you probably can't tell is that not only am I wearing my Matt Kenseth t-shirt, but I'm also wearing my NASCAR scrub pants.


JessS said...

actually alex I can tell that. I saw them and thought "are those booty shorts or NASCAR themed scrubs?" and since you couldn't possibly be wearing booty shorts I had my answer. also, the autocorrect on the iPod capitalized all of NASCAR for me. I guess that's how it's spelled.

I just realized your friends in NC probably have accents. which means you probably sound REALLY funny there, dont'cha know.

yes I know that's minnesota but I don't know what they say in WI besides I love cheese.

JessS said...

by the way, that's some shoddy (sp?) edging between the white and green paint there, I'm just sayin.

(now the autocorrect offered the word satin as a spelling for my verrnacular use of "saying" so it almost read "I'm just satin." which was funnier until I realized it's spelled "satAn". oops.)

Roster said...

Yes, NASCAR is completely capitalized, since it's technically an acronym.

No, most of my friends don't have southern accents, since much like me, they aren't actually from here either. Although some of them do have boston and new york accents.

Yes, I never did edge that part. I found out about the state wanting to "eminent domain" my condo the day I was planning on finishing the bathroom. So clearly I've been too lazy to bother.

JessS said...

I don't know what "eminent domain"ing is but I don't think it has anything to do with half-assing it. I'm just saying.